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Simon Boccanegra Poznan

Next Tuesday, September 12, the 71st Season of the A Coruña Opera will begin with an inaugural recital by Luis Cansino who will be accompanied on piano by the director, composer and pianist Miquel Ortega. The recital, which should have been held last year to commemorate the 35-year career of Luis Cansino and which finally had to be postponed for this edition, will include a select program of Neapolitan songs, and Latin American and Spanish concert songs, opera arias and romances de zarzuela in a kind of retrospective of the extensive career of our baritone who in this way fulfills his desire to sing in his land, Galicia, whenever possible.



Vasco Fracanzani
Lerín Artists Management


Exclusivie territories: España, Portugal, Alemania, Austria, Reino Unido, Irlanda, República Checa, Suiza, Eslovaquia, Lituania, México, Perú, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay.
Non exclusive territories: Italia, Francia, Países Bajos, Estados Unidos y Canadá.

Vasco Fracanzani (vasco@lerinartists.com)
Calle Bruc 125 entresuelo, 08037 Barcelona
T: +34 933017548 | Cell. +34 610589730